Brunch & Borrelbar Zjuu is a cozy hospitality venue located near Leijpark in Tilburg. Here, guests can enjoy a drink or a delicious meal after a delightful stroll. During their visit, they can relax on the terrace and savor the beautiful view or immerse themselves in the modern interior of the establishment. Since its opening, Zjuu has been partnering with Winston, and we take pride in equipping this fantastic venue in our hometown Tilburg with our high-quality software systems.
Owner Ruben had previously worked with Winston with great satisfaction in his first hospitality establishment. When he decided to open a second venue, the choice for a Hospitality Point of Sale system was a no-brainer: once again, Winston was the chosen solution.
At my other restaurant, we were already working with Winston to full satisfaction. It was, therefore, a no-brainer to start using Winston at Zjuu as well.
Ruben Boset
Owner Brunch & Borrelbar Zjuu
At Zjuu, they utilize various modules offered by Winston, ranging from QR ordering to the Point of Sale system and from kitchen screens to loyalty programs. This is why we paid a visit to Zjuu to showcase how Winston operates at this outstanding restaurant. See it for yourself: