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Boost your guest loyalty and turnover with gift cards

Issue your own gift cards in your restaurant, bar or hotel with Winston’s gift card module. With this simple extension of your range, you not only ensure guaranteed turnover, but also build loyalty among your guests.

gift certificates

Trusted by restaurants all over the world

5 stars on Google

Gift cards as a showcase for your restaurant

By issuing gift cards, you can promote your restaurant in a smart way. Gift cards not only bring in new guests, but they also encourage existing guests to come back more often. By encouraging guests to celebrate special moments in your hospitality business, you also build a strong bond with them. The result? A measurable increase in loyalty and turnover.

Gift card point of sale
Gift card restaurant

Personalised and easy

Gift cards by Winston are shaped according to your wishes. This way you can create a great gift for the holidays, a birthday or a thank you. On top of that, it’s really easy.

  • Choose your own design for the gift card
  • Place an amount of the guest’s choice on the card
  • Get insight into the issued gift cards
  • The recipient pays (part of) the bill with the gift card
  • Pay quickly by scanning the gift card
  • The gift card is automatically processed in the cash book
  • Guaranteed revenue for you!

Easily issue and redeem gift cards

Winston’s gift card module creates a unique code for each gift card. Do you still have gift cards lying around? You can keep using them by writing the code on them. You redeem and process the gift cards by scanning them. In addition, our module provides insight into the issued gift cards.

Gift card POS

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